Shikshana Abhiyana
The objective of this project is to provide quality education to the students in various government and government aided schools. Thereby, bridging the knowledge gap between the students of public and private schools.
- Reducing the gap between quality of education in public and private schools.
- Function as auxiliary to improve quality of teaching in govt. schools from standards 1 to 10.
- Ensure all-round development of children with focus on scholastic as well as extra-curricular activities.
- Motivate students , teachers and parents to create a better learning atmosphere.
Present Situation
Government schools children are being taught English as part of their academic curriculum. But this is only sufficient for them to answer questions from a text book and their knowledge is limited to what is being taught in the books. They simply lack the ability to converse in English. For Eg. They can spell out all characters of English alphabets from A - Z, but if you ask them, "What comes after Q?" They are blank, they don't know, they recite from A - P in mind and then answer.
What we don't want to happen |
What we intend to do |
If the present situation continues, children from government schools will gain only bookish knowledge. They will pass out with good marks, but without understanding the meaning of what they have learnt. As they lack proper communication skills in English, they will not have the confidence to compete with students who are from English medium schools. This prevents them from expressing their ideas and hence their talents go un-noticed.
Through this project, we shall be giving students a tool through which they can express their ideas. Their confidence would grow and through better communication, they would be able to shape a better future for themselves. |
Work done so far
We have been teaching Basic Communication English at a government school on every Saturday morning. We have understood what these children need, their strengths and weaknesses. We also understand that a great deal of work needs to be put into this project. Since the standard of English is really poor in these schools, it requires no real preparation from our side in order to teach them. We are working on making a framework based on our experience which will help us in expanding this project to other places.
During our 2007-08 program, No. of students benefited: 494 No. of teachers benefited: 10
Activities conducted include Basic communication in English, Computer basics, Educational visits to Planetarium and Museums and Drawing competitions.
One more interesting thing which we are accomplishing through this project is that our volunteers who do not know how to communicate in the local language are also getting a chance to improve their communication skills in local language through their interaction with the children and the children are very happy in teaching them new words and sentence formation in their local language.
How you can help?
You can contribute to this project by being a part of this team that is involved in teaching. You can form your own TEG of friends, identify a school in your vicinity, talk to the Principal of that school and take required permission. You can contact us for the process and framework which you can follow and start your teaching classes.
Any suggestion that can make teaching fun-filled and enjoyable for these children are welcome.
For any queries, write to us at
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