Program in focus - Bachche Mann Ke Sachche (BMKS)
Bachche Mann Ke Sachche (BMKS) program by AF is one of the flagship programs of AF. The BMKS program directly takes on the vision (Every child should get access to quality education) and mission (To empower children who are from economically weaker sections of the society by providing them monetary and non-monetary support, in the field of education) of AF. As part of this program, every year, just before the beginning of the academic year, BMKS volunteers identify certain areas and conduct BMKS surveys. In this survey, volunteers visit each home and collect data about each family in that particular area. In particular, the volunteers collect data about kids who should be going to school, but are currently not admitted to any school or are planning to drop out of school, mostly due to financial difficulties or lack of awareness about the importance of education. The volunteers identify all such kids/families who need support and can potentially benefit from the BMKS program. Once all such kids are identified in a particular area, AF sponsors their school fees and gets them admitted to one of the nearby schools. This ensures that more and more deprived kids get a deserved shot at education and get an opportunity to lead better lives.
This year 2011, the time has come to kick off the BMKS program. It is that time of the year when we conduct the BMKS surveys. And this time it is for the academic year 2011-12.
Would you like to be a BMKS volunteer? Would you like to be a part of these BMKS surveys? Would you like to partner AF in giving these kids this opportunity, which they not only deserve, but is in fact their right? If you want to be a part of these kids' dream and help them with a chance at turning it into reality, then |
send us your name, personal email ID and mobile number to
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Also make a note of the date of the first BMKS volunteers meeting and survey in Kormangala: Date: 12 March, 2011 Time: 10AM
Venue: Govt. primary School, Dairy Colony, Hosur Road
Contact Person: Abhishek S R - 990 011 6642, Ashish Batra - 988 643 5945
The School is situated in backside of Tech Mahindra next to "Karnataka Milk Federation dairy" in Dairy circle hosur road.
If you are coming by any vehicle you need to reach Dairy Circle and take the road going towards Forum, You will find Bangalore dairy on your left side you need to take 1st left turn which is going inside Dairy colony. You will find a billboard of "Karnataka Milk Federation" and the street is next to it. On gate you can find written as "KMF". You need to enter inside and go straight till a junction where you need to take a right turn and come straight, you will find the school on your left side. It is less then 500 meters from Dairy Circle.
If you are coming by Public transport, the nearest bus stop is Ghosia Polytechnic/Christ University stop. Take the road next to Bus stop (opposite to Christ university - only for pedestrian) and come 100 mts. you will find the school on the right. If you have any queries, you can mail us at
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