Volunteer Speak - Puneet
Puneet is engaged in the volunteer relations program of the Aashayein Foundation.He has been associated with the Aashayein Foundation since the past 6 months. He is the person responsible for the communicaton activities of the AF and mails from the
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mail id. As the first point of contact for new volunteers, Puneet helps the volunteers feel comfortable with the rest of the AF foundation and also strives to keep them interested in AF activities while simultaneously encouraging them to come forth with new ideas that can be implemented through Aashayein. His interests include meeting new people, engaging proactively in fitness, sports, music and movies. He is also very committed and passionate about his responsibilities in the AF. |
AF: How is Volunteer Relations handled in Aashayein Foundation?
Puneet: Until recently, volunteer relations was thought of as a separate section since there was no proper channeling of new volunteers and it became difficult to keep track of how many volunteers were currently active in various programs.
Volunteer relations at Aashayein is managed by two people; Sourabha J and I. We believe it is easier to co-ordinate between ourselves. We have tried to keep the volunteering process simple and avoid complications.
AF: What is the scope of Volunteer relations, your team?
Puneet: While we are still in the process of streamlining volunteer relations with all volunteers who have registered for it, VR is currently trying to keep track of all active volunteers engaged in different programs.
Apart from that, we are trying to spread the word of Aashayein Foundation and its activities through volunteer relations. We recently assisted Mayur Basude (Sapient) & Sukanya Bhat (Infosys) spread the awareness of AF in their companies and slowly, volunteers from these companies are coming forward. If anybody has an interest in conducting a seminar in their company and roping in people, please let us know.
AF: How do you make sure a Volunteer is assigned with a responsibility which matches his/her area interest and expertise?
Puneet: We sent a welcome email/call to establish the first contact with a volunteer. It is quite informal. Almost all volunteers do their homework and they know exactly what they want to do. We request them to fill up an interest form to get more clarity (we request volunteers to please fill it up. )
Generally, we ask new volunteers to drop by the next breakfast serving activity so that they get a feel of our activities and we get to know their interests. After that, we give them the appropriate contacts for different programs, send emails and ensure they are kept in loop for all subsequent activities happening in all programs.
AF: Suppose if I joined Aashayein Foundation before Volunteer Relations and now I want to take up some responsibility in Aashayein in some project, how I can approach for it.
Puneet: All you have to do is send an email to
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asking us what is happening. Since you have volunteered earlier, most likely you get weekly mailers. If not, just mention that you do not receive weekly mailers and we will add you to mailing list. That's itJ.
AF: What are the things coming up this year for new or existing Volunteers?
Puneet: The next big thing happening at Aashayein is walkathon (in September). Apart from the Shikshana abhiyana program has started in a couple of schools and by 2nd week of June, it will run in full swing in all schools. We definitely need volunteers for that.
Bacche Mann Ke Saache program is coming to an end, with two/three weeks of testing/interviews happening over this month. Pustaka abhiyana program will resume in 3rd week of June and a lot of activity is expected. And lastly, breakfast serving happens every Sunday at different parts of our city. We will inform if any new activity is proposed well in advance. Apart from these activities, nothing in particular has been planned yet. AF: How do people know about what are happening in Aashayein foundation in various projects?
Puneet: Weekly mailer is the one source of information for all AF related activities. You can always email/call and inquire about our activities as well.
AF: Tell us something more about Aashayein internal Newsletter, in term of content and who all are the people receive this newsletter?
Puneet: Aashayein internal newsletter/weekly mailer is dispatched every Thursday/Friday. Poovaiah MP and Ashish Batra work on validating and compiling this newsletter. We have tried to procure email list of active people in all activities and this newsletter is sent to them. |